Episode 437 – SFP, WK

This week, Glynn dissects my Autumn Colours shoot with Teigan.

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Glynn, myself, Adam and Carl all like the look of the new Peak Designs Travel Tripod.
The kickstarter is already massively over-subscribed, and whilst pricey, looks to be a really well-designed and implemented travel tripod. Given their past history of successful kickstarter campaigns, this is probably one you could safely back and feel confident in actually receiving product at the end of it.

Fujifilm has announced the “megapickle monster”… aka the GFX100, with a medium format-equivalent 43.8mm x 32.9mm 102MP sensor. Expect this to burn a hole in your pocket (and down through the floor as well) towards the end of June 2019.

Is Adobe in a panic, after the ill-fated “testing things on our website” PR message last month? They were (it’s finished now) offering reduced pricing on the FULL CC subscription for US and UK-based customers.

Rob Coates told us about Mike Browne’s video on ‘Useless Camera Features‘. Glynn was not buyng it.

Adam alerted us (or more specifically Nikon users) to Nikon’s recall of their Z6/Z7 product line, due to some intermittent faults in the vibration reduction system.

Walt Kippenhuck recommended the FB group “Iceberg Season in Newfoundland”, but I was unable to find it. If anyone can provide a link, let me know!

Glynn read about the fake Instagram “village” in China where you can go and take unusual selfies. Pfft. Whatevs.

More on the Google-Huawei divorce.

A travel blog with some ‘tips’ on safari photography on the dark continent.

And Sony has launched a microsite to promote vlogging with Sony.

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Bruce Williams

I have been a professional audio engineer since the mid 80's and am happy to do for free in my spare time what I get paid to do during the week. I created Shutters Inc in May 2005, and it is today (as best as I can tell) THE longest-running photography podcast in the world.