Episode 465 – Sharing resources

This week, we’re sharing some resources for these crazy times.
Starting with this huge list compiled by the good folks at Phlearn.

Looking to rationalise your expenditure on subscription software? Will Shipton’s Inside Imaging had this post about alternatives to Adobe’s offerings. But as Glynn pointed out, these are all paid options also.
Where was the mention of the free alternatives like darktable and gimp?

Then there was the story of the museum asking/challenging people to recreate painted masterpieces. Some good attempts, and some hilarious misses here.
Some of the images there seem to have been lifted from this instagram account.

Glynn also compiled a list of resources for the creatively-challenged.
PPA has released 1100 courses for free. Get onto that here.

If you’ve got any interesting images from this pandemic era, the ICP in Ney York is collating a collection. Check out how to contribute here.

The USA Nikon school is also giving away a bunch of their courses.

The United Nations is looking for creatives to contribute some ideas on how to spread the message on fighting the virus.

Want to try making your own film developer at home? Try this on for size.

How about doing the whole “a room as a camera-obscura”? Learn how here.

Glynn’s idea of hosting photoshoots online has already been pilfered. He’s gutted.

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Bruce Williams

I have been a professional audio engineer since the mid 80's and am happy to do for free in my spare time what I get paid to do during the week. I created Shutters Inc in May 2005, and it is today (as best as I can tell) THE longest-running photography podcast in the world.