Shutters Inc – episode 287

This week, a couple of images [1] [2] Glynn took at a camera club talk this past week,
the nasty scam targeting photographers,
the Konost Camera,
some early William Talbot images up for sale,
the Garden Photographer of the year appears to have missed the mark somewhat,,
the guy who take a photo of EVERY. SINGLE. THING. his right hand touches,
Annie Leibovitz talks about her career HIGHLIGHTS,
a bunch of stuff from photohjojo, including Apple Juice,
the Ride-a-long device for charging your devices whilst riding your bicycle,
an iPhone projector for $1,
iPhone Grad Filters,
or how about one of everything?
There was the gorgeous Oscar’s after-party portraits,
Ben von Wong pulled off an awesome Superhero-inspired photoshoot for the staff at SmugMug,
Adam told us about this new anti-paparazzi clothing,
how even the Bush family fell victim to not paying for a professional photographer,
and the amateur photographer being extorted for running a photo competition on her website.

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Bruce Williams

I have been a professional audio engineer since the mid 80's and am happy to do for free in my spare time what I get paid to do during the week. I created Shutters Inc in May 2005, and it is today (as best as I can tell) THE longest-running photography podcast in the world.

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