Episode 505 – Recipes for slow-cooked penguin

This week, Glynn has some cooking tips for us!
K&F has come out with a nifty magnetic system for attaching your filters.

Earthcam has an 80 BILLION pixel image of New York City, which you can zoom in and out of. Check it out here.

What do you do when your client doesn’t like the images you shot? Glynn has some ideas.

New lenses coming to market soon include 50mm 1.2 for Nikon z $99, also Leica, Fuji, Olympus, and Sony.

Glynn shared a story about this lost documentary shot int he late 60’s which has just been rediscovered. Check out the Summer of Soul on youtube!

And Glynn got mildly interested by this high ISO shootout between Sony and Pentax, but then he lost interest.

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Bruce Williams

I have been a professional audio engineer since the mid 80's and am happy to do for free in my spare time what I get paid to do during the week. I created Shutters Inc in May 2005, and it is today (as best as I can tell) THE longest-running photography podcast in the world.