Episode 512 – Lockdown and other crappy things

This week, Carl Hemmings told us about an interview with cycling-racing photographer Graham Watson, talking about his 40 year career of following pro cycling riders on a back of a motorbike.

David Marland alerted us to the photography group in Tasmania providing people with disabilities the tools to share a new perspective.

Paul Sutton shared a heap of stories, including one about Lexar’s new memory card format;

a reminder that if you own a Western Digital My Book Live device, you really should disconnect it from the interwebz, like yesterday! There’s a security vulnerability which could see you lose all your data;

Destin did a video on his youtube channel, Smarter Every Day, about just how analogue film works. Of course, Glynn was able to simplify the message in his inimitable style;

the LargeSense ls911 large format digital camera;

Norway has made it an offence to post an image online (for commercial purposes) without disclosing when retouching of any kind has taken place. For once, Glynn and I are in agreement, and look forward to this attitude spreading further around the globe;

and some tips for taking better bird photos.

Glynn told us about Gemstone, a new multi-layer image editing solution (think: photoshop replacement) from Acdsee;

the photography workshop leader who has banned 18-55mm kit lenses from her workshops. Justified, or wide of the mark?

Brickits is an iOS app (Android version allegedly coming Q3, 2021) which, when pointed at a pile of Lego, will identify what pieces you have, and what you could build with them! Pretty cool use of AI.

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Bruce Williams

I have been a professional audio engineer since the mid 80's and am happy to do for free in my spare time what I get paid to do during the week. I created Shutters Inc in May 2005, and it is today (as best as I can tell) THE longest-running photography podcast in the world.

One thought on “Episode 512 – Lockdown and other crappy things

  • July 12, 2021 at 19:43

    Thank you for the hard work guys. I must admit I did listen to the Graham Watson interview before listening to yours. He was and is a master at finding the ultimate location and spot for grand tours. – The saying was if you saw him there, well you were already too late to get your shot. Especially appropriate as this is the time of the Tour de France.

    Bruce all the best with the lockdown, and the finding a new job / source of income. I do listen to the older episodes when travelling and commuting. Still trying to find some value with the older episodes.

    Thanks again.

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