Episode 514 – Staring at the walls

This week, Glynn discusses the importance of craft over technology, whether the tech is new, or resurrected.
Paul sent us a bunch of stories, including one about Tim Hamilton, who built his own large format digital camera,
the teens who were struck by lightning whilst taking a selfie (or is that an “ussie”?),
using a 3D-printed cartridge to convert a film camera to digital.
But the company, I’m Back has been doing similar things as well…. link 1 (for 35mm) | link 2 (for medium format).
Then, the story about hunting down movie locations and re-shooting certain scenes.
And analysing images to see just how much post work was done.

Glynn talked about the hobbyist astronomer who discovered a new moon near Jupiter, and how they find comets.
Also, the Fjorden iphone camera-back brings you better tactile control for shooting.
Sam Newton’s “She shoots on Nikon” video.
Need to sell your old camera gear? Petapixel has you covered!
Or perhaps you’re looking to buy instead?
At the end of the day, no-one needs to see your photos!

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And thanks heaps!


Bruce Williams

I have been a professional audio engineer since the mid 80's and am happy to do for free in my spare time what I get paid to do during the week. I created Shutters Inc in May 2005, and it is today (as best as I can tell) THE longest-running photography podcast in the world.

2 thoughts on “Episode 514 – Staring at the walls

  • August 5, 2021 at 9:49

    Great episode as per usual

  • August 5, 2021 at 9:49

    Great episode as per usual

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