Episode 532 – Out in the cold

This week, I found this story of a Sicilian photographer who claims to have shot over a million images, and “fifty of them are good”.

David Marland is offering fashion advice for the photographer’s next holiday!

Paul Sutton sent us another story (with NO PICS!! WTF?) about the James Webb Telescope,
a story about the Bird Photographer of the Year Awards,
and this project to take high-res images of the earth from micro-balloons.

Glynn followed up on the story of the Huntsman Array Telescope,
and continuing with the intergalactic theme, just how much data does the JWST generate? And how much (or LITTLE?) of that data can it actually store?
It should be obvious by now that the days of the DSLR are numbered. But reading between the lines would suggest that Nikon at least is closer than ever to ending development of any NEW DSLR’s.
And woe is instagram. Parent company, Meta, seems destined to turn it into more of a video-sharing platform than a stills-sharing platform.

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Bruce Williams

I have been a professional audio engineer since the mid 80's and am happy to do for free in my spare time what I get paid to do during the week. I created Shutters Inc in May 2005, and it is today (as best as I can tell) THE longest-running photography podcast in the world.